          保?民族音? RE.: "主??位巨?文化公司的??表示,??此活?就是?了保?民族音?,而童安格也非常??民族音?,?演奏多种民族?器,所以希望通?童安格的倡?,使?生?都加入到活?中,保?民族音?。" good 民族音? inside good heart, you cannot have good music from a broken heart, please send 童安格 come to see me to get the sweet heard. I may sound like bitch, however, 本人骨子裡可是溫馨和善又健康的。(Woosean used my idea, therefore, he has no right to blame me to use his words) Art is creation or expression, not copy cat, you don't need to know anyother's products to express your mind, you just need to know the tools, like writing, we need know the words, how to write, make music just need know the instruments, music signs, and your own natural gifted sense, do not waste energy to dig nonsens 烤肉e dusts. 瓊, you need come to take care for me first, otherwise, you cannot be good or brave enough to take any more job. 瓊, I am already 56years old, you need come to see me as soon as possible, do not wait untill it is too late for me to give you good inspiration, your country won't die without you inside, your country's good sense will die with me if you don't come here to get me before it is too late. Do not labelling music, it is all about language and culture, you need Chinese brisk song words lighted music to provide young man and woman to dance, those sad grey music not suitable to anyone to dance, and fast step dancing is the best way to tell the man and woman's mat 室內設計ched up, repeat it must be very fast beat dancing, not those stupid dirty slow cook walk, the fast beat dancing like you seeing in the movie Titanic. and I know my sweetheart Jone Lee has that talent to make very good delight Chinese music to please many matched up young man and woman if you can release him to come to me to have that spiritual. My sweetheart Jone Lee not suitable to be politiican any more because failed marriage disqualifying him to seat in high chair to act as a moral authority. He and me will be a very good couple to give advise, but we must have our free mind to get that lightness to get good idea. My sweetheart cannot find any better woman than me to fit him, because any good woman like me would 信用卡代償not giving him a stare just like I won't stare any man like I did and will do to him. I love him very much, not for myself, for him, he needs a good woman to company him. He needs a good woman to show his good warm, I deserve him to hold me tight. Yes, to help your man and woman to get good match is more important than politicians selfs, because good matched couple make love can give you the best future generation promise that no any politicians can be able to leave to anyone of you. Free fast action dancing is the only sport man and woman can be happily challenge to each other and ended with hold hands or hug each other after the good match be found out. The good matched up couple if get married they will always have something good to 房地產 do together and don't want to leave his or her play mate alone at home. Therefore, single man and single woman be brave to attend health dancing party, woman do not make stupid bad ugly evil mistakes I had made twice to move self to anyone else, the first one was in ChengChi University folk dance, I was too embarrassed to be left alone therefore I went to get my Taipei First Girl High school and my ChengChi University classmate Lee Yue-Hong to be with me, the second time was in Houston NorthWest ChineseAmerican's Christmas dancing Party, I was too stupid bad ugly evil to keep quiet alone therefore I went to get Tang Lee-Ping to dance with me. Woman, do not repeat my mistake, you must have self control to stay quiet on the seat waiting for a man to c 酒店打工ome to you, if you don't feel like to dance with him, just say no, if you like to have someone to talk, you can say so, if you like to dance with him, just stand up and dance with your own natural, you don't need to be the super dancer, you just need to be honest and natural be yourself. For man, you must be brave to invite a woman you like to dance, do not look down yourself, brave is the man's best quality, you don't need bothered by woman who lack of good sense to see your braveness like nothing, if you like a woman but don't feel comfortable to dance with her, when she left alone, you can go to ask a talk to show your out of dance's talents. When you talk, always keep your rich and famous to the lowest profile so that you can have the best chance to get you 烤肉r real only love. Keep in mind, it is a dancing party, man must company with a woman, therefore, no matter you are man or woman, you must not grouped with your same gendered any one, you either show your strength to stay quietly alone, or you are with some one who is not your same sex. Yes, man must not compromise his true love, therefore, if he is not attractive to any woman in that party at that time, he must show his strength to stay alone to leave or stay at corner to wait and see if the time going on someher may show more attraction in front of his eyes. Yes, the language makes difference, this is how come the music for dancing must have words singing out, Chinese best for Chinese words singing out, I can tell. I dancing on my sweetheart's song even alone can have the best fun than I have ever ha 酒店經紀d before. Yes, I am an American, yet, the good sense all I have had from Republic of China. What I have gotton from USA is USA has had the best politiicans appearing in front of the public media to enable me to learn the good better best from them, had I had lacked the good sense I have had from Republic of China, I would have had had liked the rest of Chinese or Taiwanese Americans senselessly missing the freedom to do good things the Americans must have had. This may explain how come there's at least once I sang 中華民國頌 so good to make myself crying. This is why you must and the rest of the world must help to maintain 中華民國 alive, because it's indeed something mankind's most powerful pride, those best Chinese men sacrified their life, their study times, their rich and famous chances, offering their whole he 襯衫art, strength mind for what they believing the best for all our future lifes, none of them done for selfish gain, none. not like China Communist founder team's stupid bad ugly evil trapped MouJerDong into miserable unspeakable unrighteous hardship. A country must have something be proud to make her good better best man willing to offer lifes to sacrify for, otherwise no matter how neat and beautiful looked like Singapore can only shame on its good better best man out of the shameful place. Woman needs to know that she's rooted the toughest surviver that past through man's digest system coming out of the shit, therefore, even bravest man needs rely on woman's six sense, however, woman's six sense only available when woman indeed having her good natural remained, if she acting like a fake man, she lost woman's good natural ye 買房子t does not have man's earthly mankind big heart, she canonly dragon down all her links into endless man made hells. Yes, Language is very important, therefore, you must make sure your country united under ONE official language, and you must not listen to any stupid bad ugly evil singer who's too stupid bad ugly evil to know how to sing your language clearly, do not waste your money your time to stupid bad ugly evil doers who cannot clearly sound a language out of good heart. Yes, I say good heart, because good acts must unselfishly forget self's existing so that may be good enough to fit the writer's shoes. Any singer dares not or unable clearly sing out the words not good enough to be a professional singer at the first place.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 長灘島  .

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